Why Us


    A workwear supplier that shares your
    Sustainability & CSR Goals.



We’ve considered every stage of a garment’s lifecycle to make sustainability an easy choice for our customers.

From selecting suppliers that demonstrate they care, and sourcing products that make a positive impact on the environment … right through to packaging choices and recycling options for uniform end-of-life.



We’re committed to sustainable and responsible business practices. We’ve set ourselves targets and initiatives to drive change and improvement.

  • Introduce uniform recycling to 10 of our top customers.
  • Work with suppliers to multi-pack products to reduce packaging.
  • Review gas heating system and look for an eco-friendly alternative.


Less plastic bags
in packaging


waste to
be recycled


Reduce paper


Find out more


What we
have achieved

Reduced new cardboard boxes 40%

All plastic packaging made from 100% recycled material 50%

All company vehicles now electric 100%


Choosing suppliers
who care

Our supply partners form a key part of our business, and we hold their commitment to sustainability and CSR as imperative.
Innovations include:

A big up

To some of our


Be reassured

Our accreditations are testament to the great level of emphasis that we place on our procedures and responsibilities. Our quality management, our environmental and our health and safety procedures, all meet the standards your demand.

We are proud of our commitment to delivering the highest possible standards in everything we do.


How we can help


From sourcing local where possible to selecting eco-friendly product alternatives for clients, it’s the consideration of every aspect, however small, that makes a real difference.

Packaging: 40% of the cardboard boxes we use are reused from goods in, and we endeavour to ensure our plastic is made from 100% recycled materials.

Sourcing Local: We make every effort to use local suppliers and manufacturers, cutting down on travel emissions, and ‘buying British’ wherever possible.

Combining Deliveries: We encourage customers to place orders less often to reduce carbon emissions.

The Products: Many products are selected for their innovation, and eco-friendly properties.

We acknowledge our part in protecting the natural habitat of the planet.
Our aim is to:
  • Seek ways of minimising the impact of our business on the Earth’s resources.
  • Make use of alternative resources or materials that have less impact on our environment.
We always try to ensure that our operations:
  • Comply with U.K. environmental regulations.
  • Conserve energy and prevent pollution.
We will do this by:
  • Putting environmental management into our business operations and decision-making.
  • Measuring and reviewing our environmental successes within our objectives and targets.
  • Promoting the benefits of sound environmental practices with our supply chain.
  • Seeking to use materials efficiently to minimise waste and promote re-cycling wherever possible in all our operations.
  • Reducing, wherever practical, the level of harmful emissions within our business, especially from our vehicles, and any other equipment under our direct control.
  • We are experts in corporate health and safety, maintaining the very highest standards throughout our organisation by obligation and by example.
  • We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in the quality of products offered to our clients and the standard of health and safety we provide.
  • We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our staff, customers and any other visitors who may be on our premises.
  • We promote a standard of health and safety which will minimise risk, avoid accidents and ill health.
  • The standards we maintain will never knowingly be lower than those prescribed by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and its associated legislation. Our aim is to exceed these requirements.
  • All staff have a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their own acts or omissions.
  • Members of staff have been given specific health and safety responsibilities such as first aid assistance. The names and responsibilities are posted on the wall chart from the HSE.
  • Suggestions for improvements of health and safety issues are encouraged and we consider them all.
  • Regular staff meetings always include the opportunity to discuss health and safety matters.
  • The responsibility for Health and Safety matters is delegated to a Senior Partner.

We are committed to carrying out business in a socially responsible manner and we, together with our suppliers, will:

  • Treat our employees fairly and equally.
  • Respect human rights, not employ child labour or forced labour, or exploit our employees in any way.
  • Not discriminate against people with different backgrounds, race, colour, religion, sex, age, physical disability, national origins, or any other basis.
  • Operate our business with integrity and honesty.
  • Where within our control, maintain a sustainable environment and act in a responsible manner in order to protect future generations.
  • Be a caring member of our community.
  • Portray our products truthfully and provide full and accurate information about them to our customers.
  • Protect consumer rights with full product after sales support available during operating hours.
  • Ensure that our suppliers agree fully with the above and accept our monitoring processes.

Steps are taken to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chain or in any part of our business.

In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, HeathBrook is committed to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking in not taking place in our supply chain or in any part of our business

HeathBrook is committed to monitoring our supply chain to ensure that no slavery or human trafficking is involved in any part of our supply chain or in our own business.

  1. Our business and our supply chain must be transparent and will be assessed for the risk of slavery and human trafficking by asking for a declaration where we/they are sourcing our/their products from.
  2. If this includes some countries where there is a risk of slavery or human trafficking, the supplier will be called on to state how they are managing that risk specifically.
  3. This will be done by having/obtaining a written undertaking from all high-risk suppliers, which states:
    • What countries are they/we sourcing their/our products from?
    • Is there a risk of slavery or human trafficking involved in their or our supply chain?
    • How they/we are managing the risk?
    • What steps they/we have taken during the current year (if any) to assess and manage that risk?
    • What due diligence processes are in place to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not involved?
  4. This statement that all aspects of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is being complied with must be approved and signed by an officer of the board or senior partner of the business (both our suppliers and ours).
  5. This undertaking is to be monitored, followed up and updated from time to time but at least annually for high-risk suppliers.

We have audited our supply chain and can confirm the following:
  • Their commitment to humane practices.
  • They conduct business in an ethical manner with due regard to their workforce, their families, and the wider population and that they are improving their quality of life with appropriate financial rewards.
  • They are helping to contribute to sustainable economic development in the country of manufacture, in the widest sense.
  • The management are committed to ensuring that safe working practices are followed, and a safe working environment is encouraged.
  • They have a genuine interest in the welfare of their staff.
  • They demonstrate a mature attitude towards the protection of the environment, and do not pollute it in any way.
  • They have a continual improvement policy for the benefit of their staff and the environment.
  • That recycling of waste and sustainability are matters receiving attention at present.

Why not contact us to book a sustainability checklist audit. We can help you determine the most sustainable workwear solution for your business.